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Knifepoint Horror

Tales of supernatural suspense written and produced by Soren Narnia.

The text of these stories is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA.


Also by the author: the podcast 'Those Snowy Nights You Read to Me, They'll Never Be Forgotten.'

May 17, 2017

A conflict in memory between two brothers leads to a return to a place where childhood may have been hiding something too ghastly to retain in the mind.

Music: Kevin MacLeod ( "Past the Edge" and "Mourning Song" licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License 

Thanks to those who would not let me slip away into the light so easily, and have demanded more excursions into horror.

For a horror tale slightly off the beaten path, listen to episode 15, "Outcall," at
