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Knifepoint Horror

Tales of supernatural suspense written and produced by Soren Narnia.

The text of these stories is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA.


Also by the author: the podcast 'Those Snowy Nights You Read to Me, They'll Never Be Forgotten.'

Dec 3, 2020

Within every grandiose scheme, there lies the seed of possible disaster. Some of these disasters are loud, chaotic, and violent ... but sometimes they only sound like the wind sighing through haunted ruins.

Music: ‘Between the Noise’ by Kyle Preston, ‘Dreams of Light’ by Jacob Pavek. All rights reserved.

Soren Narnia can also be heard on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road' and 'Sibling Horror.'

Watch his horror shorts 'Server Unknown,' 'Drop-ins,' and 'Sleeperette' on his YouTube channel.